Search Air quality

CSTEP Studies Identify Solutions to Reduce Air Pollution in Bengaluru- Publications

While Bengaluru’s deteriorating air quality is a cause for concern, interventions targeted at polluting sources can help reduce pollution levels, according to the studies released by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP).

Climate Change and National Clean Air Programme in Hubli–Dharwad- Events

NABARD in collaboration with the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board and the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy organised a conference on climate change and the National Clean Air Programme in Ocean Pearl Resort, Rayapur, Dharwad, on  4 March 2022.

The dilemma with low-cost sensors- Publications

Low-cost air quality sensors are the talk of the town.

Best Practices for Deploying and Maintaining a Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensor Network- Publications

Strategically placed sensors can monitor air pollution and provide a detailed picture of air quality and its variability within a region.

Air pollution and climate change: The ignored curse of rural India- Publications

India’s true essence — encompassing its diversity, zeal, culture, and spirit — is rooted in its rural areas.

Clean Air Action Plan for Ramgarh- Publications

In 2019, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) under the Government of India launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), which proposes strategies to reduce air pollution in several cities in India.

How the India Clean Air Summit is Emerging as a Unique Platform for Knowledge Sharing- Publications

The fifth India Clean Air Summit (ICAS) — the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy’s flagship event on air pollution — will be held from 22–24 August in Bengaluru.

Democratizing Air Pollution Models in India: Current Opportunities and Challenges- Events

CSTEP collaborated with ORF America to organise a round-table discussion on 22 June 2023 in ITC Windsor, Bengaluru.

ICAS 2023: Clean Air for Sustainable Development and Mission LiFE- Events

The India Clean Air Summit (ICAS) is the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy’s (CSTEP’s) flagship event on air pollution.

Regional (South) Meet of Institutes of Repute Associated with NCAP- Events

CSTEP and the National Knowledge Network (IIT Kanpur) organised the regional (south) meeting of Institutes of Repute (IoR) associated with NCAP on 27 July 2023 at Royal Orchid, Bengaluru.

PRESS RELEASE - Mapping Bengaluru’s air pollution using hybrid monitoring methods- Publications

The study conducted by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) employed a hybrid measurement approach to generate high-resolution air pollution maps.

Seasonally optimized calibrations improve low-cost sensor performance: long-term field evaluation of PurpleAir sensors in urban and rural India- Publications

Lower-cost air pollution sensors can fill critical air quality data gaps in India, which experiences very high fine particulate matter (PM2.

Application of an Ultra-Low-Cost Passive Sampler for Light-Absorbing Carbon in Mongolia- Publications

Low-cost, long-term measures of air pollution concentrations are often needed for epidemiological studies and policy analyses of household air pollution.

Breathing in Bengaluru: Silent Killer on Wheels- Publications

Public health is a fundamental pillar of society, with inextricable links to a country’s economic growth.